May 3, 2024
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Securanix Vulnerability Testing - Test for over 1,000 different known vulnerabilities

Securanix™ provides vulnerability testing services to check for over 1,000 different known vulnerabilities in computer networks, software and systems.

Vulnerability Testing Benefits

Vulnerability testing provides the benefit of knowing exactly what areas of your network security need improving. Identification of problems allows network administrators to apply patches, reconfigure software and correct other discovered issues.

Testing Methodology

Securanix employs a unique methodology to perform vulnerability testing. Some of the tools used include Nessus and nmap and other proprietary testing tools. Securanix also utilizes many of the best online vulnerability databases including CERT, SANS, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), BugTraq and Security Focus to research vulnerabilites.

Realistic Solutions

Many security auditing firms test for vulnerabilities, report a list of found problems and leave the discovery of the solutions to the client. Securanix takes a different approach. After discovering a particular vulnerability, Securanix performs research to recommend a specific solution to the problem. Years of experience allow our security experts to recommend the best solution for each problem.

Testing is Cost-Effective

Testing for vulnerabilities is a cost-effective practice since it identifies problem areas before they are exploited by malicious attackers. Preventing network security incidents before they occur is not only beneficial from a cost standpoint, but critical systems and priceless information is protected as well.